Getting older has never
bothered me – until this year. I have always looked younger than
my age and now, after losing weight, I feel so much healthier and
physically better too. But, this birthday has been different. I have
felt melancholy and I have ruminated a lot over why. This particular
birthday has made me think about my dad a lot. I am now the same age
as my dad when he died: 45. I have wondered what he would have done
differently - if anything – if he knew when he woke up on his 45th
birthday that it would be the last year of his life. I celebrated my
birthday thinking how would my life be different if I knew this would
be the last birthday I would celebrate (of course, I would quit my
job but that's not realistic in my 2013 “This is 45” plan). At
Thanksgiving and Christmas, I thought about the same thing – what
if these were the last holidays I would spend with my friends and
family. So, I am dedicating this year to the pursuit of some of my personal goals. I am
a bit of a procrastinator (one of the traits about myself I like the
least) and often I set much loftier goals than I can realistically
achieve but I have a list of resolutions/accomplishments/goals for
2013. Some of the goals are things that have been on my “list”
for a long time and are not things that are earth shattering or world
changing but are just things I've needed to do for a long time. Some
are on my “goals to accomplish before I die” list.
- Complete another half marathon (goal: finish in under 3:30) {Houston Half Marathon on 1.13.13; finished 3:29:01!!!!! Disney Princess Half Marathon: finished 3:32:12)
- Run 2 races in honor of my mom {Take A Step planned walk on 4.27.13}
- Run 2 races in memory of my dad {Houston Half Marathon on 1.13.13 with Team in Training for LLS; up next - Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Half Marathon on 6.2.13 with Team in Training through LLS and then most likely Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio for TNT}
- Achieve my goal weight (lose about 25-30 more pounds)
- Train with Cross Fit {Tried it out and it wasn't for me; will look for something else to cross train}
- Go horseback riding
- Ride a bicycle
- Read at least one (1) book a month
- Sell books I've read or not going to read and donate money to TNT {Done; didn't make much money but donated all the proceeds to my fundraising page}
- Bake something at least once a month (perfect a pie and a cake)
- Take cooking classes again
- Renew writing PoshPosh stories (goal: 20 a month)
- Write Reel Thoughts movie reviews (goal: 4 a month)
- Go through all the boxes in garage and reorganize them
- Take a romantic 10th anniversary trip {Planned - summer trip to England and Cyprus}
- Get pink chair in bedroom recovered
- Go through craft supplies and donate unused supplies to charity
- Start “running for my dad” blog
- Go snow skiing
- Get fireplace fixed
- Try at least one (1) new recipe a week
- Organize photographs (digital and printed)
- Take a photography class
- Get a mammogram
- Settle Granny's estate {Filed legal paperwork but still pending}
- Pay off as much debt as possible (goal: everything except house)
- Try 4 new restaurants (one a quarter)
- Ride a helicopter (dream ideas: Las Vegas strip, volcano in Hawaii)
- Travel to San Antonio at Christmas to see lights on River Walk
- Travel to New York with Joe at Christmas and ride a carriage in Central Park
- Be a better advocate for myself particularly at work
- Craft homemade sussies for my nephew, nieces and goddaughters
- Take advantage of things to do in and around Houston (goal: at least 1 a month)
- Weekend getaway with Joe (ideas: Fredericksburg, New Orleans)
- Grow and eat my own vegetables
- Volunteer (ideas: food bank, children's hospital, Habitat for Humanity)
- Get new eye glasses {First step accomplished - eye exam; now need to find frames}
- Take a portrait with Joe
- Needlepoint
- Wake up earlier
- Go rock climbing
- Go ice skating (preferably in Rockefeller Center or Central Park)
- Get wedding rings sized
- Get rid of clutter and keep only what matters most
- Learn CPR
Key words for 2013
- Simplify
- Organize
- Share
- Focus
- Run
- Consistency
- Learn
- Create
- Read
- Travel