England, November 29, 2009 (Day 14) - Winchester Christmas Market

Inspired by traditional German Christmas markets, the Winchester Christmas Market is uniquely situated at the foot of the Cathedral within the historic Close. More than 90 chalets are beautifully decorated and full of interesting, surprising and unique Christmas gifts and decorations.

Lillia napping on the way to Winchester

Tori and her friend, Rose
The streets of Winchester

England, November 29, 2009 (Day 14) - Lillia's 2nd Birthday

Today was Lillia's 2nd birthday. How wonderful that Unc Joe and An Man were able to celebrate with her!!! Nick and Tina had a party with family and close friends and Lillia had a wonderful time!

Lillia have a pre-party cake taste test

Lillia with her English godfather, Darren, and his son, Nathan

England, November 28, 2009 (Day 13)

Today we went and picked out the Simmonds family Christmas tree. Lillia had fun playing with the trees. She loved picking up the needles that had dropped or broken off and then attempting to put them back on the trees. It was so cute!

Doesn't Lillia look so cute with her hands in her jeans' pockets? What a cutie!

While Tina, Lillia and I went to several grocery stores (Tesco and Marks & Spencer) to buy the food for Lillia's birthday party tomorrow, Joe, Nick, Clive and Ross went to a football (aka soccer) match this afternoon and Tori went shopping.

Tonight we are planning to decorate the tree and eat King's again. Tina has a tradition that they eat King's chinese food the night before Lillia's birthday because that is what she had the day before Lillia was born. We love King's and look forward to having it again!

England, November 27, 2009 (Day 12)

Today we had a relaxing day with a bit of shopping in Festival Place. Joe and I didn't really buy much: a pair of socks, some chocolates and sesame candy. Tonight we are feasting on Thanksgiving left-overs and grilled sausages - yum!

England, November 26, 2009 (Day 11) - Thanksgiving

Tina and I prepared a delicious, traditional, American Thanksgiving dinner today. We had turkey, dressing (which Joe and I brought from the States), AMAZING gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans (made with pancetta!), sweet potatoes with cranberry sauce, cranberry sauce, green peas and broccoli. For dessert, we had wonderful pumpkin pie and a raspberry pavlova that Nick's mom made. We polished Tina's grandmother's silver and we washed all her great-grandmother's plates so the table looked lovely. Nick's parents and their partners (English for significant others) came over and it was a very nice evening. Of course, I missed my Thanksgiving with my family but that just makes me look forward to spending Christmas with them even more!

Lillia resting while eating her turkey dinner

Delia (Nick's mom) with Lillia

Delia, David (her partner) and Lillia

John (Nick's dad) and Alina (his partner)

Nick with Lillia

Desserts: Pavlova made by Nick's mom and Tina's wonderful pumpkin pie

England, November 26, 2009 (Day 11)

Happy Thanksgiving to my wonderful friends and family. You are so giving, loving, supportive, kind and fabulous to me! I am so very blessed!!!!

England, November 25, 2009 (Day 10)

I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and tickly sinuses and so did Tina. So, to try to help fight it off we ate a little spicy Indian food and took Zicam (well, I had 1 bite of spicy Indian and thought my tongue was on fire so I really only ate delicious, creamy butter chicken). Hopefully, maybe we will avoid getting sick since tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Funny thing about the Zicam: Tina and I looked for it today when we were out and about and couldn't find any. When we got home, we were talking to Tori about it and she said that she had a box full that she got in the States when she got sick while she was visiting her grandparents. We were in luck! Joe took some for good measure. Keep your fingers crossed ...

England, November 24, 2009 (Day 9)

Nothing of major excitement to report for today. Joe and I never even left the house. Lots of time spent bonding with Lillia and hanging out with Tina, Nick and Tori. Tomorrow is a busy day getting ready for a good old fashioned Thanksgiving on Thursday. Tina even pre-ordered a turkey! I will definitely miss spending Thanksgiving with my family - just makes me look forward to Christmas even more!

England, November 23, 2009 (Day 8)

Tori had school off on Monday so Joe and I took her into London for a day together. We initially were going to go to a fashion museum but, unfortunately, it was closed on Mondays. So, we thought a bit of shopping in Covent Garden and then Harrods might be a fun alternative. We took the train in from Hook and we had a good time!

Covent Garden is famous for its shops, street performers, bars, restaurants, theatres and the Royal Opera House. Tori needed to look for a dress for the play she is in so that was our main goal but, despite our efforts, we didn't find a dress.

On our way to Paperchase in Covent Garden, we came across the Piazza where Sky TV was filming a dance show. We stopped and watched for a bit and it reminded me of the T-Mobile dance commercials that are all the rage on YouTube (if you haven't seen one, go to YouTube and look for the Liverpool T-Mobile commercial - it's awesome!)

We passed Russell Street and took a picture because Tori's last name is Russell!

As we were walking around the Royal Opera House, we saw Miriam Margoyles, the actress who played Pomona Sprout, the Professor of Herbology and the Head of Hufflepuff House, in one of the Harry Potter movies. She was going to the British Theater Awards that were being held at the Opera House and she was super friendly. She stopped and posed for pictures and signed autographs for people.

Harrods! Oh, what a place! Especially the Food Halls!

For a year and a half, Joe and I have been dreaming about the Parmesan Salami. We have looked everywhere for it and have not yet been successful finding it in Houston. The trip to London was worth it just for this salami! Oh, it is beyond delicious!!!!

On the bottom floor is a tribute to Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed. The owner of Harrod's is Mohammed al Fayed, Dodi Al Fayed's father, and he has a quiet memorial to Princess Di and Dodi in one of the escalator lobbies.

After we got home, it was funny to see Lillia in her sweater and her rain boots, which she loves! She is totally adorable!!!