Tori had school off on Monday so Joe and I took her into London for a day together. We initially were going to go to a fashion museum but, unfortunately, it was closed on Mondays. So, we thought a bit of shopping in Covent Garden and then Harrods might be a fun alternative. We took the train in from Hook and we had a good time!
Covent Garden is famous for its shops, street performers, bars, restaurants, theatres and the Royal Opera House. Tori needed to look for a dress for the play she is in so that was our main goal but, despite our efforts, we didn't find a dress.

On our way to Paperchase in Covent Garden, we came across the Piazza where Sky TV was filming a dance show. We stopped and watched for a bit and it reminded me of the T-Mobile dance commercials that are all the rage on YouTube (if you haven't seen one, go to YouTube and look for the Liverpool T-Mobile commercial - it's awesome!)
As we were walking around the Royal Opera House, we saw Miriam Margoyles, the actress who played Pomona Sprout, the Professor of Herbology and the Head of Hufflepuff House, in one of the Harry Potter movies. She was going to the British Theater Awards that were being held at the Opera House and she was super friendly. She stopped and posed for pictures and signed autographs for people.
Harrods! Oh, what a place! Especially the Food Halls!
For a year and a half, Joe and I have been dreaming about the Parmesan Salami. We have looked everywhere for it and have not yet been successful finding it in Houston. The trip to London was worth it just for this salami! Oh, it is beyond delicious!!!!
On the bottom floor is a tribute to Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed. The owner of Harrod's is Mohammed al Fayed, Dodi Al Fayed's father, and he has a quiet memorial to Princess Di and Dodi in one of the escalator lobbies.
After we got home, it was funny to see Lillia in her sweater and her rain boots, which she loves! She is totally adorable!!!
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