Trip to Scottsdale, AZ

This past weekend I went to Scottsdale to meet up with my friend, Denise, who was there on a medical conference. My favorite things on the trip were visiting Taliesen West (Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home) and the buffet at the casino. The weather was HIDEOUS! The day we took the tour of Taliesen it was 108 degrees and about 1/3 of the tour was outdoors. You have to worry when they hand you water bottles and umbrellas to try to prevent anyone from fainting! On the way to the airport, we stopped by the Arizona Casino for a couple of hours. We gambled a little (both of us won and actually stopped while we were ahead) and we ate at the Sunday Champagne Brunch which was delicious! I can't believe that I actually said I was looking forward to coming home to Houston because it was cooler! Cooler!?!? Anyway, it was good to see Denise and spend time with her.

Here are just a couple of my favorite pictures from the trip:

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